Where I See Brave

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When one of the members of my girl gang, mastermind women, ride or die friends, group of besties (or whatever I happen to call them that day) suggested reading the book 100 Days to Brave – Devotions for Unlocking Your Most Courageous Self by Annie F. Downs, I jumped on board!  I had just over 100 days until this baby is due and it seemed like perfect timing. 

Here is where I see brave.

I see brave in entreprenuers who are willing to dream big.  They know their ideas sound crazy to everyone else, but that doesn’t stop their minds from dreaming bigger.  

I see brave in believers who listen for God’s whispers and following their calling. Most often they are unsure of the full path ahead, yet they take the one step that has been revealed to them.

I see brave in the solo business owner who spends countless hours researching, educating themselves, pulling their hair out and continuing to try again and again as they learn new skills and do ALL.THE.THINGS.  

I see brave in the creatives that know the standard 8-5, sit in a cubicle type of job doesn’t work for them. They crave a flexible schedule that allows their creative juices to flow freely.

I see brave in the people who wake up excited to start on the tasks that make up the never ending to do list. The list is never ending because they continue to push themselves outside their comfort zone.

I see brave in those Moms and Dads who make the most of early mornings, late nights and nap time to build a business. Their top priority is caring for their children, but in their free moments they desire to be more than just a parent.

I see brave in the problem solvers of the world. They create a business out of providing a solution to someone else’s problem.

I see brave in fellow business owners that are willing to ask for help when it comes to understanding taxes, accounting rules, and handling the money side. It is often hard for them to admit they might not actually know everything.

I see brave in the writers and freelancers that pour their hearts and souls into their words and stories. They know the risks of putting it all out there and do it anyway with the potential it could impact just one person.

I see brave in the long term goals that require short term discomfort and hard work. The ones that will eventually change your world but you have to take them one small step at a time.

I see brave in fellow women and men who are cheering each other on.  They know that another person’s success is not their failure.

And because of Annie’s prompt on day four to look for and acknowledge brave, I was able to find it not only in others but within myself.  This world of business ownership takes bravery, lots and lots of bravery!

So my friend, I see brave in you and I ask you, where do you see brave?